Museo Primo Conti

Foto di @nicolaneri

The Primo Conti Museum, open to the public since 1987, collects over sixty oils and more than one hundred and fifty drawings by the Master. By visiting the rooms it is possible to retrace Conti's entire pictorial process from the first youthful trials on the human figure to the precocious interest in Fauve art, a prelude to the brilliant Futurist season, to then arrive at the works of the last period projected towards the informal and later, to the recovery of the material post-informal with works characterized by a lively and lyrical painting.
Visits and Activities
duration of 1h 30
Female portraits in the works of Primo Conti
A visit through the numerous female portraits present in the Primo Conti Museum which offer the possibility of analyzing the figure of women in different eras and under different social aspects and tell of the role of guide they played in the life of the Florentine painter. The mediators will guide us along the way, highlighting the importance of women in their cultures with examples and insights.
PORTRAIT together: free workshops for children, teenagers and families
The proposed workshop will be conducted by mediators of the Amir Project (Hospitality, Museums, Inclusion and Relationship), who have been carrying out workshops and courses at the Museums of Fiesole and at the Primo Conti Foundation for years. The mediators, through mixed techniques of collage and painting, will help the participants to create their own self-portrait by drawing details of the mouth, nose, eyes on cardboard and then reassembling them in an "unprecedented and new" way on the profile of the face, they will tell experiences lived in their country of origin and their direct experiences of daily life, the difficulties encountered in integration and the importance of inclusion in their personal journey.
Duration 2 hours
**Activities for groups by reservation.